Zigna API is based on REST principles. You can use any HTTP client to communicate with the API.
The base URL for the API is https://api.zigna.dk/v2
The primary ways of communication between you and the API happens in JSON. A couple of the endpoints returns image data and zip data instead. This is described later in this documentation. You can use the HTTP verbs GET and POST to READ and CREATE objects in zigna's systems. The API is primarily focused on delivering Orders and Pictures to you. It is possible to create an Order, but this is the only place, at POST request is allowed. Everywhere else is only allowing GET requests.
To authenticate yourself and to get access to your data, you must obtain an API key. You need to send an email to Jesper Lundsgaard Hansen (jlh@zigna.dk) in order to obtain the key. Please send your contact details, a description of what you intend to do and also which realtor you represent.
Important: The API key must remain secret. You shouldn't share it with anybody, as it grants access to your account. Keep it safe like your normal password.
The API key is sent with requests using X-headers. All requests must contain a X-ApiKey header value. The API key is a standard GUID object.
All requests must be sent over HTTPS. Requests sent over HTTP will be rejected.
As the API is still in BETA the rate limiting is not switched on. The API is going to use rate limiting. This means that API key is allowed to send 2,000 API calls each day when enabled.
All requests sent after the limit is reached will be rejected until the next day, where the limit is reset.
Your current usage will be displayed in the following three HTTP response headers:
X-RateLimit-Limit: Tells you what your daily limit is.
X-RateLimit-Remaining: Tells you how many API calls you have left today.
X-RateLimit-Reset: Tells you how many seconds until your limit will be reset.
As of now these headers are excluded from the response. We will let you know when the rate limiting is enabled.
The API uses standard HTTP status code in responses. All successful requests are return with status code 2xx and errors are either returned as 4xx or 5xx. 4xx means that something is wrong with your request and 5xx means, that something is wrong on our site. All errors are logged in our system in order to help solving problems.
The API does not return any help messages right now. We're thinking of implementing this at a later time, if there is a need for it.
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders?take={take}&skip={skip} Response { "response": { "take": 50, "skip": 0, "next": "/v2/orders?take=50&skip=50" }, "orders": [ { "floors": integer, "created": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "picturesTakenDate": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", ... }, { "floors": integer, "created": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "picturesTakenDate": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", ... }, ] }
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/{orderID} Response { "floors": integer, "created": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "picturesTakenDate": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "status": "string", "statusID": int "totalPrice": decimal, "products": { "packageName": "string", "packageProducts": [ "string", "string" ], "extraProducts": [] }, "photographer": { "name": "string", "phone": "string" }, "finishedDate": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "realtorWishes": string, "id": string, "caseNumber": string, "m2": integer, "seller": { "name": string, "address1": string, "address2": string, "postalCode": string, "city": string, "phone1": string, "phone2": string, "email": "string }, "homeType": string, "bookedDate": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "isUrgent": boolean }
Status ID | Status name |
1 | New order |
2 | Booked |
4 | Photos uploaded for editing |
5 | Order is completed and photos are ready |
6 | Pending |
50 | Season update |
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/{orderID}/pictures { "order": { order-object as described earlier }, "pictures": [ { "pictureID": integer, "originalFileName": string, "link": string, "size": integer, "width": integer, "height": integer }, { "pictureID": integer, "originalFileName": string, "link": string, "size": integer, "width": integer, "height": integer }, ...
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/{orderID}/pictures/{pictureID} Response: The response is of mimetype image/jpeg primarily. The mime type can also be pdf/swf.
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/{orderID}/pictures/zip Response: 200 - success with a zipped response body 204 - no images was found 5xx - something wrong happened on the server
POST https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/{orderID}/pictures Response: 200 - success
POST https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/{orderID}/pictures/{pictureID} Response: 200 - success
POST https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders { "floors": integer, "created": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "products": { "packageName": "string", - see section "Packages" "extraProducts": [ "string", "string"... ] - see section "Extra Products" }, "realtorWishes": string, "caseNumber": string, "contactForm": integer, (see section "Contact Form" "m2": integer, "seller": { "name": string, "address1": string, "address2": string, "postalCode": string, "city": string, "phone1": string, "phone2": string, "email": "string }, "homeType": integer, - see section "Home Types" "isUrgent": boolean }
Response: 200 - success { "status": "OK", "orderNumber": string, "created": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" }
0 = Nøglen fås af mægler uden sælger kontakt
1 = Sælger SKAL kontaktes
2 = Hverken mægler eller sælger skal kontaktes
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/packages Response: [ { "id": string, "name": string, "extraProducts": [ { "id": string, "name": string, "description": string }, { "id": string, "name": string, "description": string }, .... ]Use the id of the package in the order placement method under products -> packageName.
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/housingtypes Response: [ { "id": integer, "name": string }, { "id": integer, "name": string }, .... ]Use the id field in order placement under homeType.
GET https://api.zigna.dk/v2/orders/extraproducts Response: [ { "id": string, "name": string, "description": string }, { "id": string, "name": string, "description": string }, ... ]Use the id field in order placement under extraproducts.